Monday, 10 December 2012

4 Nerds vs A Squid From Outta Space.

One sunny warm day a few nerds located a small dark room to surf the Internet in. It was about three meters by four meters with three chairs and a useless desk. It was away from the bright sky and massive crowds, perfect for the four nerds to surf in.
The four nerds included Owain the shy, Josh the German, Bobert the model and Aron the Jew. These four nerds didn't have a clue what they had gotten into. This small dark room was not normal at all, it contained great evil. First we start with the amazing conversation which had been flowing for a while.
"Guys we need to write this comic book soon" announced Aron the Jew. "Ok that sounds cool" replied Bobert the model giving a pose with it that looked as if he was in a shop window. "Boooooommmm!" Rippled from the wall behind Owain the shy. "What the fuck!" Screamed Josh the German in a high pitched manner. "Holy shit is that a portal!" Said Aron the Jew with no care for his loudness. Well as of that moment the portal span open with red mist pouring out all over the damn carpet. A massive squid monster then pushed its way half way into the room from this portal. Its colour was a bright red and it's eyes had a gold glow to them. It hit Owain the shy into the wall with great speed. "No! You killed Owain!" Yelled Bobert the model (posing again). "No I'm fine guys" said Owain the shy getting up. "O alright, well still charge!" Replied Bobert the model (striking another pose). As of that moment they all picked up random metal and plastic sticks. "Arrhhhhhh" screamed the four nerds as they charged into the squid with a lot of fear. They started a massive battle which lasted for a age (well ten minutes but some of us are unfit ok!). It was gory and no mercy was given to the squid. After eight minutes the door flew open. It was Ian. "Hey guys" he mumbled. They all turned with great emotion and said "hey Ian". As of that moment Ian sat on to a chair and started to surf the Internet. The battle resumed, with more pain and bloodshed than before.
Two more minutes and Bobert the model had put his metal spear (stick) into the right eye of this monster. "Wow man watch it!" Yelled out the squid. Aron the Jew turned and screamed "fuck you squid!" As that the plastic stick from his hand ripped open the squid and forcing it back to the portal world. They all turned and took in a well deserved breath.

And this is why I should drink coffee.

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