Monday, 3 December 2012

Life of the common nerd.

Our life is short on this god forsaken rock, so why don't you spend it as a lonely nerd. The life of the common nerd is mostly spend in the face of a computer screen, in a book or dribbling at girls' out of their league. It also has a large amount of bullying (normally ends after school if your smart), but this teaches us a lesson on how to climb out of bins, pull pants out of asses or how toilet water doesn't smell that bad. The common nerd normally have about 5 to 6 friends, these are also nerds. They stay in dark rooms' where they dream of super heroes, physics and girls'. They normally don't leave their groups because of bullies which can easily pick off a weak lonely nerd. Nerds' also can't run (asthma) so they are normally trapped easily, but when personal robots are produced then you better watch out!
So Why Be A Amazing Jock or Sexy Cheer Leader? When You Can Be A Breathless Nerd.

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