Monday, 24 December 2012

Aron "nerd king" Kinnear vs Santa "old creepy guy" Claus.

The rain fell (no snow it's Wales it only rains) and then silence followed. The nerd king turned in that awesome slow motion style, with his lightsaber gripped in his pale hand. The blue light covered the room, bringing that mystical shit with it. Santa was across the dark room, holding a creepy smile and present bombs. He laughed and yelled "Aron we meet again". Aron then turned, looking at a box on a shelf. This was a old brown box, it held a orange, poundland toys and hard boiled sweets. Aron turned back to Santa and then announced "I shall take a my revenge for these shitty gifts!". As of that moment Aron flew into the air, screaming as him did. Aron pulled his lightsaber back over his head. Santa threw a present a second, they bounce off Aron's Jedi bathroom and hit the dusty floor below. Santa then pulled a elf from his sleeve, this elf was shot like projectile across the room. Aron slashed the elf into four pieces, it was bloody awesome (quite literally). Then looked through the blood mist to Santa (still in mid air because of the slow motion effect) and yelled "come at me, bro!". Santa pulled out a present, pushed into it. The paper lit up and a lightsaber of blood red ripped though the paper. Santa said "let's duel". They the battled matrix style long into the night, lightsabers hitting each other with great force. Many elfs died that night as Santa threw them by the dozens, it was a massacre. Aron stopped and looked around he had been fighting off Santa elf for ten minutes, he cut the last elf head in two and turned. He looked though the bloodshed saw no Santa. He said "that bastard! He's done it again" and Aron turned and yelled into the night "next year! You wait! I will have my revenge you old fuck!". He looked away from the sky, to find a present under the blood covered tree. He walk normally as the slow motion effect guy had fallen asleep. Aron open it with a rage in his eye. Inside it said "better luck next year motherfuckar" on a note which Aron tossed into the fire. Under the note there was a bag of dried fruit. Aron fully raged look to the night sky and screamed "you shall meet your end!"

Happy Holidays everyone.

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