Monday, 17 December 2012

The wander for the "coin machine"

Our story this week is humourless and is a serious matter...bah that's a lie its majorly funny because it involves nerds and the problem of spare change. Now that's comedy gold my friends.
We start with 7 nerds, very different in size and appearance trying to spilt 13 pound into change. The tickets were obtained from the creepy and pale cinema worker but the nightmare then followed! This nightmare last one terrifying hour. They adventured though the wilderness of Cwmbran town to find a "coin machine" and wonders that it held. The 7 nerds held formation while wandering to this dream of a "coin machine". Aron pineshield lead the group though this wilderness. It was after 10 minutes that Dave the bearded belly told the bunch to journey to a library in search for a "coin machine" but after a 20 minute wander this turned out to be as useful as a pram for a kangaroo as this library contained no "coin machine". The next 5 minutes involved death and pain but that doesn't involve us. We then journeyed to the magical land of ASDA. This place was crowded and loud. A place where if you let go of Dave the bearded belly's hand he will get lost and make us sent Robert back in to find him crying at the customer service desk. The coin machine dream was thrown away after this mess. so we gave up just bought some food and went to the cinema.

This is why you shouldn't take nerds outside.

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